Monday, 11 August 2008 00:00



August 4, 2002.

New Beginning Christian Fellowship Church was established and services were held at 2121 Shadow Oak Drive in the city of West Covina, California. There were 47 members. Rev. Mack Mitchell served as an interim pastor. The officers of the Deacon Board were: Trustees  At this time there were two operating ministries. The Usher Board, Pearl Martin – President and Outreach Ministry, Jean Brown – president.


August 2002 – October 2003

Rev. Donald Cook was installed and served as pastor.


January 2003

The Church was incorporated and a Board of Directors was formed.
Lester Hildreth, President

David Lawson, Vice Chairman

Freddie Myers, Chief Financial Officer

Ruth Cook Price, Secretary

Marvin Green

Thomas Warren

James Newton, Trustee

Gertrude Moore, Trustee

James Wooten, Trustee

July 2004

The Church relocated to 718 S. Azusa Av, West Covina, CA.  The Church became affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest, currently named Transformation Ministries.

February 2005 – October 2007

Rev. Damon D Byrd was installed as and served as pastor. 

March 2008

 The Church relocated to 405 N. Azusa Av in the city of Azusa. The governing body of New Beginning under God is:

 November 15, 2009

Elder Terry Whitehurst, was installed as Pastor. 

December 27, 2012

The relocated to 114 S. Glendora Avenue, West Covina, CA. 91790.


September 23, 2018

Reverend Stanley K. Evans was installed as Pastor.

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